4th Origin:

Refuting the Myth of Evolutionism and Exposing the Folly of Clergy Letters

4th Origin:

Refuting the Myth of Evolutionism and Exposing the Folly of Clergy Letters

The world is plunged into an endless controversy because modern scientists are engaged in a philosophical dispute about evolution as evidence of mechanistic non-intelligence and chance versus creation as evidence of divine intelligence and design. They redefine science in an effort to distinguish nature from God without prior knowledge of the origin of either. Dissent within the scientific establishment culminated in court battles. In the face of stubbornness on the part of comparatively few creationists in the scientific community, the evolutionist camp in 2006, under the influence of atheist Michael Zimmerman, extended the battlefield to churches for partisan support. That overture has generated controversy in the religious community, and the two warring camps, like their affiliates in the scientific establishment, are seeking endorsements from the public at large. Today, many mainstream churches in America observe either an Evolution Sunday close to Charles Darwin’s birthday to profess their acceptance of his theory or a Creation Sunday to indicate their opposition to it.

This book is not intended to fuel the ongoing competition for signatures because God does not need a consensus. Indoctrination, either through religion or science, encroaches on liberty! It is not the role of public schools or the state to indoctrinate students with either a specific religious belief (creationism) or a specific scientific belief (evolutionism). Let science remain within its empirical limits and be free of philosophical preferences.

It is mind boggling for scientists to imagine they are utilizing abstract intelligence to unfold events in a universe that they insist evolved from zero resources and is sustained by unintelligent instrumentality. It is further perplexing that this myth has been transferred from the laboratory to the altar, and many clerics are indoctrinated to the point that they now insist God’s claim in the Decalogue for having invented the world in six days should not be interpreted literally because they accept Darwin’s theory, which advocates millions of years of evolution, as the foundational scientific truth.

The rationale for modern scientists to link origin, which is a primary event, to evolution (also described as change through time), which is a secondary event, is bizarre. Can a theory built on zero evidence of missing links in the fossil record and characterized by zero evidence of intermediate organisms in the living world constitute a foundational scientific truth?

Ebifegha emphasizes that God is the author of true religion and science and on the subject about who we are, where we came from, and where we are going, we should anticipate the same conclusion. Because God is not the author of confusion, when the conclusions are radically different, both worldviews (creationism and evolutionism) must be compared regardless of whether it is in a science or religion classroom. This is not an issue about “separation of church and state” but about “separation of worldviews and state affairs.”

In 4th Origin: Refuting the Myth of Evolutionism and Exposing the Folly of Clergy Letters, Ebifegha argues against evolutionists and the clergy members who are trying to outlaw the teaching of creationism in public schools. He also speaks up on the bias of maintaining evolutionism and argues why it is outside the domain of science and should, therefore, be outlawed. He reminds the public that Darwinian evolution is a belief and not a scientific fact because the events described and predicted by Darwin and his disciples cannot be tested or repeated as required in pure science, and acceptance of Darwin’s theory is by faith without offering hope. The author chastises religious leaders for utilizing human understanding while ignoring the legitimacy of God's official assertion that He created the universe in a speech before an Israelite crowd and in writing on stone tablets. Ebifegha maintains that these historic interventions satisfy our standard legal criterion for inventors and justify why many countries acknowledge God’s sovereignty in their national anthems.

In 4th Origin: Refuting the Myth of Evolutionism and Exposing the Folly of Clergy Letters, Ebifegha presents compelling, well-researched arguments founded on empirical knowledge and common sense, that are scripturally and scientifically sound.

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