About the author

Michael Ebifegha has a long list of credentials. He holds degrees in Physics (M.Sc., Carleton University, Ph.D. University of Toronto, Canada), Geophysics (M.Sc. Geophysics, Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria), and Science and Mathematics (B.Ed., University of Toronto).

With a certificate in religious studies from the Toronto Catholic School Board, Ebifegha is uniquely equipped to blend science and religion. Ebifegha worked as a teaching assistant at the University of Toronto for seven years and used this opportunity to publish several articles in scientific journals.


Farewell to Darwinian Evolution:

Exposition of God’s Creation Patent and Seal

The creationism versus evolutionism controversy is evolving. It began with evolutionists against creationists, but it has evolved into a debate between evolutionists who are loyal to the opinions of authorities in Darwinism and evolutionists who are loyal to empirical evidence. The recent battle ground was at the Royal Society “New Trends in Evolutionary Meeting” held on November 7, 2016. James A. Shapiro’s recent book Evolution: A View from the 21st Century affirms the need for a revolutionary paradigm.


Creation or Evolution?:

Origin of Species in Light of Science’s Limitations and Historical Records

Were humans created, or did they evolve? This debate between science, which is confined to the material realm, and religion, which addresses both the material and immaterial domains, continues to rage. In “Creation or Evolution?”, Michael Ebifegha examines the constraints of science as an explanatory framework for the origin of species and compares the contemporary world to a hypothetical world under the influence of evolutionary processes and agency. Additionally, he considers the irrelevance of the earth’s age to the creationism–evolutionism debate. He stresses that knowledge of the intersection between the origin of life and the origin of species is required to establish the latter.


The Darwinian Delusion:

The Scientific Myth of Evolutionism

Leading evolutionists in the scientific establishment contend that Darwin’s theory that all of life was the product of evolution, and that the evolutionary process was driven largely by natural selection, is the greatest idea that anyone ever had. They maintain that it is more than just a good theory because it happens to be true.


4th Origin:

Refuting the Myth of Evolutionism and Exposing the Folly of Clergy Letters

Were humans created, or did they evolve? This debate between science, which is confined to the material realm, and religion, which addresses both the material and immaterial domains, continues to rage. In “Creation or Evolution?”, Michael Ebifegha examines the constraints of science as an explanatory framework for the origin of species and compares the contemporary world to a hypothetical world under the influence of evolutionary processes and agency. Additionally, he considers the irrelevance of the earth’s age to the creationism–evolutionism debate. He stresses that knowledge of the intersection between the origin of life and the origin of species is required to establish the latter.


Satan’s Shadow in Abrahamic Religions:

Clerics’ Defiance of God’s Creation Sabbath Day Mandate in Celebrating Charles Darwin’s Evolution Day in Their Places of Worship.

Who we are, where we came from, and where we are going are topics that belong to the domain of religion rather than science. Science, classical or modern, is limited to the material realm and addresses events that are testable, repeatable, and reproducible. Human beings are spiritual beings with animal bodies; but the spiritual aspects are outside science’s purview. Therefore, when science is used to answer religious questions, it too must be functioning as a secular religion. This is not the role of science but the wish of Satan, whose goal is to oppose God and suppress the truth.



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